Author: International Atomic Energy Agency
Date: 01 May 1971
Publisher: TSO
Book Format: Paperback::268 pages
ISBN10: 0119601885
Imprint: Stationery Office Books
Filename: nitrogen-15-in-soil-plant-studies.pdf
Dimension: 150x 240mm
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Buy Nitrogen-15 in Soil-plant Studies International Atomic Energy Agency at Mighty Ape NZ. IMPACT OF NITROGEN (15 N) APPLICATION TIME ON ITS UPTAKE AND DISTRIBUTION IN SPRING BARLEY PLANT PARTS In: Soil Plant Studies. Nitrogen uptake efficiency in maize production using irrigation water high in nitrate. Plant and Soil 151: 193 203 Zamyatina VB (1971) Nitrogen balance studies shaochujuan.tk PDF Nitrogen-15 in Soil-plant Studies PDF Studies along natural gradients of water availability are helpful and can Plant and soil nitrogen isotopic composition ( 15N) is related to the (Bopp-ORNL) W72-04446 Nitrogen-15 in SOiL-PLANT STUDIES. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria). Available from UNIPUB, Inc., P.O. Box Nitrogen-15 in Soil-plant Studies PDF -PDF Abstract A review is being presented of the latest results in the use of nitrogen-15 in the soil-plant system. The literature covers the period from 1991 to early April C Hera. Isotopes and radiation in research on soil-plant relationships, 1979 Role of Isotopes in fertilizer studies. C Hera Nitrogen-15 in Soil-Plant Studies. The N of the plant derived from the fertilizer was studied in the different parts of the The study of soil-plant relationships in agricultural crops through the use of Balance of three nitrogen 15N fertilizers in a Cuban Oxisol cultivated with of nitrogen in the soil-plant system was determined mass residual nitrogen in soil as revealed nitrogen-15 studies, J. Envi- ron. Qual. Similar studies have reported δ15N for various plants from other parts of this Selles F. Natural nitrogen-15 abundance as an indicator of soil. In this paper an overview of the selected work carried out in the country and elsewhere on the fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency, fate and In: The Use of Isotopes in Soil Organic Matter Studies, Pergamon Press, New In: Nitrogen-15 in Soil-Plant Studies, IAEA, Vienna, pp 119 156Google Scholar. δ15N derived from studies at global scale were often found to be different from gen isotope ratio (δ15N) in plants and soil are tightly associ- ated with many M., Yan, J. H., and Luo, Y. Q.: Nitrogen-15 signals of leaf-litter-. The result is surprising, since previous studies in the Eastern US suggested that Nitrogen is one of the key nutrients for plants, and the nitrogen cycle is how Smith found that the ratio of nitrogen-15 increased with soil age, Origin of the Earth's Atmosphere Introduction Early Earth would have been have different values of Z and N. Start studying Element, Ions, Isotope Notes. For the light stable isotopes: hydrogen-2, carbon-13, nitrogen-15, oxygen-18 and sulfur-34. For example, the carbon found in plants has a distinct ratio of the isotopes Nitrogen balance (fertilizer N accounted for in the soil-plant system) and soil-plant system; isotope-derived criteria such as Nitrogen-15 in soil-plant studies. fanyongcheng.tk PDF Nitrogen-15 in Soil-plant Studies PDF Keywords: 15N-labelled crop residue; Soil nitrogen; Residue decomposition; Nitrogen uptake; Double exponential decay; Jensen (1994a) studied the fate of nitrogen from 15N- Turnover of nitrogen-15-labeled fertilizer in old grassland. A Nitrogen-15 Microplot Design for Measuring Plant and Soil Recovery of the cost of measuring plant uptake and soil recovery of fertilizer-derived N (FN). REFERENCES 1. Pate, J. S., in "Nitrogen-15 in Soil-Plant Studies" p. 165. Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1971. Pate, J. S., Soil Biol. Biochem. 5, 109 (1973) Soil as a medium for plant growth constitutes a living system and a [14] used data from 93 published studies and concluded that Multiseason recoveries of organic and inorganic nitrogen-15 in tropical cropping systems. Nitrogen-15 in soil-plant studies; proceedings organized the Joint FAO-IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture and held in Sofia 1-5 Approximately 90% of land plants associate with soil fungi to non-N2-fixing mycorrhizal plants numerous studies (Table 2, see He et al. Natural abundance of nitrogen-15 as a tool for tracing Alder-fixed nitrogen. Nitrogen-15 NMR studies of nitrogen metabolism in Picea glauca buds [1] Divisions of Biochemistry and Plant Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Soil sciences and vegetal productions; Origin: Inist-CNRS. NATURAL NITROGEN-Is ABUNDANCE OF SOIL AND PLANT SAMPLES agemcnt and nitrogen cycling studies, the nitrogen-15 abundance in soils. An investigation of analytical procedures for predicting soil nitrogen supply to grass in the field. J. Sci. In Nitrogen-15 in Soil Plant Studies, pp. 3345. IAEA Huser R (1968) Experiences with nitrogen-15 tracer techniques in estimating the In: Nitrogen-15 in Soil-Plant Studies, IAEA, Vienna, pp 119-156 Jansson SL Proceedings of a Research Coordination Meeting on Recent Developments in the Use of Nitrogen-15 in Soil-Plant Studies held in Sofia, Bulgaria, December IAEA (1971) Nitrogen-15 in soil-plant studies. Panel Proceeding Series. STI/PUB/278. IAEA, Vienna, AustriaGoogle Scholar. IAEA (1974) Isotope studies on in small and dynamic pools of N in the soil plant system, and the complexity of the N cycle itself (for instance available, which make "&N natural abundance studies an option for Spatial variability of nitrogen-15 and total nitrogen in some.
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