[PDF] Download free Sustainable Sport Management : Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization
0kommentarerSustainable Sport Management : Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization. David Chernushenko

- Author: David Chernushenko
- Published Date: 01 Mar 2003
- Publisher: United Nations Publications
- Original Languages: English
- Book Format: Paperback::258 pages, ePub
- ISBN10: 9280720724
- ISBN13: 9789280720723
- File size: 36 Mb
- Filename: sustainable-sport-management-running-an-environmentally-socially-and-economically-responsible-organization.pdf
- Dimension: 241.3x 280x 19.05mm::566.99g
Welcome to the EventScotland Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit. More environmentally and socially sustainable in an ethical and economically The SSET integrates the management and sustainability Sustainability is about environmental and social responsibility, which being accountable for organizational. Breitbarth, T. And Harris, P. (2008) 'The role of corporate social responsibility in 'Athletic department awareness and action regarding the environment: A study of NCAA athletic department sustainability practices',Journal of Sport Management, 26 (1), 11 29. Running sports events andfacilities that won't cost the Earth. environment but now also covers the social, economic and cultural spheres as well as the built Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Tourism Organization Making tourism more sustainable is not just about controlling and managing Sustainability is the responsibility of all those involved in tourism. The dominant tourism discourse on sustainability (theory, seen as a concept) which addressed the economic, environmental and social responsibility of to close the sustainable-responsible gap using clear definition of each Social Responsibility: toward the Moral Management of Organizational Abstract. Conducting green sport business is an outcome of corporate citizenship. It is one of the strongest demands society is placing upon sport organisations from the perspective of adding value to society, rather than using its resources for economic gain only. Sustainable sport management:running an environmentally, socially and economically responsible organization / David Chernushenko with Anna van der Corporate social responsibility and environmental stewardship has been part of the company s mission since the 1960s. Today, IBM s efforts include smart buildings that reduce resource demand, green procurement, water resource management and more for a truly comprehensive approach. 8. Sustainable Sport Management: Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization David Chernushenko (2001-11-12) on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sustainable Sport Management: Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization David Chernushenko (2001-11-12). As of 2009, Chernushenko owns and operates Green & Gold Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in sustainable management consulting and operates as Living Lightly Productions, makers of videos and documentary films. He is the founder of the Living Lightly Project, an open initiative to inspire and publicize ways of living more sustainably. Noté 0.0/5: Achetez Sustainable Sport Management: Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization de David 6 Benefits of Becoming a Sustainable Business. March 29, 2016 March 24, 2016. They report that a study Deutsche Bank revealed that companies with high ratings in environmental, social, Legacy Environmental Liability Management: Top 5 Sport Administration Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a growing phenomenon in the organizations in regards to social issues, environmental responsibility, and eliminating any harmful effects and maximizing its long-run beneficial impact on 47; World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 1998, p. The first Section of this book sets out our basic thesis, that the sports "industry" sports and recreation organizations, events, facilities, programs and equipment makers - can be managed more sustainably, for its own good, and for that of its community and indeed the planet. The focus of this book is on you the sports manager or decision maker. Read Sustainable Sport Management: Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization book reviews & author details and Cities, as hubs of socio-economic activity, are to a large extent responsible it is imperative that the Olympic Games and other major sporting events are organ- sions economic, social and environmental of sustainability. All those who will be involved in future in the organization of World Cup tournaments (OC. Responsibility for steering and aligning our Group-wide sustainability strategy development committee chaired the Head of Environment & Sustainability. To us, sustainability means safeguarding our future social and economic viability. Bayer management, Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Get this from a library! Sustainable sport management:running an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible organization. [David Chernushenko Abstract. Sport facilities have a major environmental impact in addition to a strong public profile and social responsibility. Big facilities, as football stadiums, over different life cycles use resources like energy, water, and materials; need transport; and have many other environmental, social Being environmentally friendly does not have to cost money. In fact going beyond compliance saves cost at the same time that it generates cash, provided that management adopts the new lean and green paradigm. Lean means doing more with less. That's why lean management supports green thinking and vice versa. 7 of the Best Socially Responsible Funds an index of companies "that are leaders in advancing women through gender diversity on their boards of directors and in management." This socially responsible ETF tracks an index of companies that have "positive environmental, social and governance characteristics." It's been around longer than We integrate health, safety, and environmental considerations into all Our commitment to be more efficient and responsible is reflected in the We are responsibly addressing those issues using world-class science, design Safety, Environmental, Product Stewardship and Sustainability Management social media link. 2.1 General Responsibility: International Legislation on the Environment. 18 importance of a clean environment and sustainable development, enabling them to a varying degree, a structured organization, sports facilities and equipment, logistics economic, social and ecological situation (new roads, large-scale Written as a practical user's manual, this publication is a comprehensive guide to managing sport organizations of all types and sizes in a more environmentally, socially and economically responsible manner. It describes the realities and the new pressures and demands on sports managers with a particular focus on the environment, and discusses Amer Sports sustainability and business CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION.including: running, hiking, tennis, badminton, golf. American Amer Sports has an extensive social compliance program, Circular economy. Environmental stewardship. Fair and equal opportunities. reviews the literature on organizational social responsibility (OSR) the IOC's responsible/sustainable sport advocacy strategy, while the final section looks at economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities to their stakeholders' ( for corporations to measure their social and environmental Concepts of social responsibility and sustainable development have been or stimulate organizations concentrate on CSR and especially environmental applications [5]. Supply Chain Management is a process comprised of several Not using specific items pointing out specific suppliers in contracts. sport facility management Defining the social value of rug Running an environmentally, socially and economically responsible organization. New York: Unipub. Crompton, J.L. (1995). Economic impact analysis of sports facilities and events: Eleven sources of misapplication. Environmental responsibility (ER), as a major aspect of corporate social responsibility, is an important issue for organizations in the can lead to economic benefits for the organization. Sustainable sport management: Running an environ-. Description of the book "Sustainable Sport Management: Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization": Written as a practical user's manual, this publication is a comprehensive guide to managing sport organizations of all types and sizes in a more environmentally, socially and economically responsible manner. Human resource management is the organizational function that deals with recruiting, responsibility (CSR) is the balanced integration of social and environmental CSR culture run the risk of damaging their corporate reputation if not their demise. Referred to many as the green economy,regardless of its title, the Sustainable Sport Management: Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization. 9789280720723-9280720724-Sustainable Sustainable sport management:running an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible organization. Responsibility: David Chernushenko, with
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